Now Available!
At what cost have we subjugated our own dreams and passions to doing the necessary?
In a mainstream society where the mature African American woman is all but invisible, and her style and voice are muted out by a culture fixated on youth, wealth, and celebrity, Fierce and Fabulous offers whispers of wisdom for times of change. NOW is the time to transcend any limiting thoughts and beliefs about yourself; and to take back your dreams, your joy and your passion. Fierce is part of the process –it is you getting a revelation and determination to grab the reins of your life and take action! Fabulous is a destination; a place where you live out your greatness! Every dream that has entered your heart bears the DNA of your life's joy, passion, and purpose; and you are a masterfully wired circuitry that has already been equipped to actualize your hopes, dreams, and intentions.
If you are ready to unload some baggage and shift a few gears, Fierce and Fabulous unfolds ideas, strategies, and anecdotes to prepare you for the ride of a lifetime – destination FABULOUSNESS!
" I'm giving the next book to my sister. I know she needs a break through. And, it's helping me stay on track as well. Your gift is a blessing to women. I was glad to put this check in the mail because you are changing and improving lives. It is money well spent".
- Kiara
"I'm on page 40 of your book and it is funny cause you may as well titled the book "Karen this for you" Your book is very inspiring with real and practical solutions on the same page. Unlike most books you have to wait to the end to get to the point. I don't feel so isolated now that I know other sisters have the same concerns as I. I started to highlight the most profound statements except I would end up highlighting every sentence. I'm not surprised that you have written your book with so much clarity for when we talked you were always clear and profound. I see many book talks and workshops to follow. This could be a movement."
- Karen Johnson Wyatt
"I want to thank you for writing your book.After reading the first page I knew this is exactly what I have been waiting for!
Even you must know,that I am not African-American,just a Tubab,like they say in Senegal, This book gave me a lot off ideas and energy, I think that all the women have moore or less same kind of problems.I hope you forgive my bad english, have to get ready for my job.By the way,this book gave me enough
energy to finally go and buy the book for study to the test for university in may,I have always wanted to do that and now I am going to take the time for it.
Thank You!
- Marita Ndjai
Contact Information
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